CIIS 2018 | ACM | Phuket, Thailand


ACM conference proceedings
ISBN: 978-1-4503-6595-6
Index Information: EI Compendex, Scopus and ISTP/CPCI

Group Photo


After several rounds of review procedure, the program committee accepted those papers to be published in conference proceedings. We wish to express our sincere appreciation to all the individulas who have contributed to CIIS 2018  conferences in various ways. Special thanks are extended to our colleagues in the program committee for their thorough review of all the submissions, which is vital to the success of the conference, and also to the members in the organizing committee and the volunteers who had delicated their time and efforts in planning, promoting, organizing and helping the conference.

 Keynote Speech

This conference program is highlighted by three Keynote Speakers.

Prof. LING Tok Wang, National University of Singapore, Singapore(IEEE Senior Life Member).

Prof. Sergei Gorlatch from University of Muenster, Germany.

Prof. Ratchatin Chanchareon, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.

Session Group

Session 1: Modern information theory and technology and best presenter Mr. Anuthep Chomputawat, from King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand

Session 2: Robot and intelligent system and best presenter Mr. Jefferson Lerios from Technological Institute of the Philippines, Philippines

Session 3: Data Science and Soft Computing and best presenter Mr. Yen-Chi Chen from National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan

Session 4: Image analysis and processing and best presenter Mr. Faouzi Bouslama from Higher Colleges of Technology, United Arab Emirates


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