The 7th CIIS 2024 | ACM | Nagoya, Japan


ACM conference proceedings
ISBN: 979-8-4007-1743-7
Index Information: successfully indexed by EI Compendex and SCOPUS.

Group Photo


2024 The 7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (CIIS 2024) was successfully held in Nagoya, Japan during November 22-24, 2024. CIIS aims at addressing advances in research on computational intelligence and intelligent systems, covering topics ranging from enabling technologies to emerging applications and industrial experiences, to encourage researchers and practitioners to exchange and share their experiences.


The conference chair Prof. Makoto Iwasaki, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan gave us an opening Remarks.

 There are three conference speakers invited by the conference. Prof. Saman Halgamuge from The University of Melbourne, Australia delivered keynote speech, Attention based Classification of Large Images with Small, Focussed Regions Highlighting the Differences.

Prof. Nobuo Funabiki from Okayama University, Japan delivered keynote speech, Flutter Programming Learning Assistant System for Multiplatform UI Code Development

Prof. Yasamin Eslami from Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France delivered invited speech, Driving Digital Transformation in Manufacturing: Enhancing the Power
of Manufacturing as a Service (MaaS) through Computational Intelligence

The conference has received more than 100 submissions, after several rounds reviewing from review committees, there are about 40 papers accepted for presentations, and there are 4 oral sessions. One best presentation will be selected from each session, evaluated from: originality; applicability; technical Merit; qualities of PPT; English. The best one will be announced at the end of each Session. We would like to express our sincere appreciation from the help of members from conference committee, reviewers, and workers. Thanks to their works, our conference could be held in good way. We also hope that you can benefit from this conference.

Best Presentation Winner:

Special Session 1: Biologically Inspired Machine Learning-Theory and Applications
S027: Are Large Language Models Good At Fuzzy Reasoning?
Suresh Singh, Portland State University, United States

Special Session 2: Artificial Intelligence and Its Application
S101-A: Towards Autonomy of Complex Systems on Airports with HD Maps
Tobias Seidenberg, Fraunhofer IEM, Germany

Oral Session 3: Multi-Intelligent System Collaboration and Optimized Operation
S014-A: Design of Random Number Generator based on Fractional Order Chaotic Systems and its Application to Image Encryption
Yu-Han Chang, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Online Oral Session 4: Intelligent Detection and Control Technology based on Machine Learning
S100: Exploring a Mixer-Based Model for Enhanced Loop Closure Detection in Robotic Navigation
Kendra Kirsten Lim Go, Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines

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