Authors are
solicited to contribute original, unpublished
contributions in all aspects of computational
intelligence and intelligent systems. Submitted
articles must not be concurrently considered
elsewhere for publication.
Made submissions from the
online submission system
. You will need an account to log
in the system.
Paper Submission Due: July 05, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: by August 05, 2025
Registration Deadline: August 25, 2025
Conference: November 21-23, 2025
Special sessions supplement the regular program of the conference and provide a sample of the state-of-the-art research in both academia and industry in special, novel, challenging, and emerging topics. Are you interested to proposal one? Please mail
Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Systems
The 8th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (CIIS 2025) aims at addressing advances in research on computational intelligence and intelligent systems, covering topics ranging from enabling technologies to emerging applications and industrial experiences, to encourage researchers and practitioners to exchange and share their experiences.
Authors are solicited to contribute original, unpublished contributions in all aspects of computational intelligence. We look forward to welcoming you attend the conference in Okayama, Japan during November 21-23, 2025.

Conference Proceedings
After the double-blind reviewing, accepted and registered full papers can be included and published in CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. Please download template here: Word, Latex
Accepted papers of 2024 has been published in ACM conference proceedings (979-8-4007-1743-7). Successfully Online (Click), EI Compendex and SCOPUS.
Accepted papers of 2023 has been published in ACM conference proceedings (979-8-4007-0906-7). Successfully Online (Click), EI Compendex and SCOPUS.
Accepted papers of 2022 has been published in ACM conference proceedings (978-1-4503-9762-9). Successfully Online (Click), EI Compendex and SCOPUS.
Accepted papers of 2021 has been published in ACM conference proceedings (978-1-4503-8593-0). Successfully Online (Click), EI Compendex and SCOPUS.
Getting more from the history.

Journal Publication
Journal of Advances in Information Technology (JAIT)
ISSN: 1798-2340
Frequency: Bimonthly
DOI: 10.12720/jait
Indexing: ESCI (Web of Science), Scopus, CNKI,
Conference web:
Delegates are encouraged to submit their papers to the conference. Good quality papers will be selected by the organizing committee to JAIT. Tempalte Download (at least 6 pages). If you are interested in this journal, please mail

Special Sessions
Special Session I: Biologically Inspired Machine Learning-Theory and Applications
Organizer: Dr. Siphesihle Sithungu, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Submission Link:
Special Session II: Artificial Intelligence and Its Application
Organizer: Dr. Eric Blancaflor, Mapua University, Philippines
Submission Link: